

“I have realized that mystery is what keeps people away, and I’ve grown tired of smoke and mirrors. I yearn for the clean, well-lighted place. So let’s peek behind the curtain and hail the others like us. The open-faced sandwiches who take risks and live big and smile with all of their teeth. These are the people I want to be around. This is the honest way I want to live and love and write.” 

Amy Poehler, Yes Please
welcome to the hydranchula! 

the hydranchula is a blog run by me, maggie jeanne, that started as a way for my friends and family to keep tabs on me when i left my little house in michigan to move to a little apartment in chicago. it has since become a series of essays focusing on love and relationships, with a little bit of other hydranchula nonsense sprinkled in here and there. as much as it's changed since the beginning, the hydranchula still a coming of age story about a girl with flowers in her hair trying to find her place in the world.

frequently asked questions:

>>hydranchula? how do you pronounce that?

hi + drann + choo + la = hydranchula! 

>>what is a hydranchula?

once upon a time, when i was a little baby, i had a cute lisp the way little babies do. and my mom has always been a gardener. as long as i can remember, we have been surrounded by flowers and tall grasses and pods of lady bug and mantis eggs. daisies, baby's breath, and hydrangeas have been my favorite flowers since i had that little lisp, and while "daisy" and "baby's breath" were easy for my tongue to pronounce, hydrangea was not. and so the hydranchula was born.

>>why do you type without proper capitalization? 

i dislike capitalization. as a journalism student, i understand and respect the importance of proper capitalization and grammar. i love proper grammar. i'm a nut for all things ap style and grammar girl, but i don't like capital letters. i feel that capital letters have a way of breaking up a thought or series of thoughts in a way that i don't want them to. i love periods, commas, and semicolons. give me all the dashes and ellipses in the world. but don't make me use capitalization when i'm writing about what i love. i also wrote a little bit about this in a previous post.

>>"do you know not using capitalization makes you look stupid?" said one of my professors.

momma always says, "stupid is as stupid does."

>>"you're not e.e. cummings." said that same professor.

no, i am not. but even he had to start somewhere. 

>>what do you want to be when you grow up?// what will you do when you graduate?

i want to be happy. i'm not sure what i'll be doing, but it will probably involve drinking lots of tea, eating lots of tasty things, and continuing to write down everything i think and feel. 

>>are you seeing anyone?

yes. i'm seeing lots of guys. i see the bartender every thursday at trivia, i see the pizza boy every other friday night, and i see the ups delivery man twice a day every tuesday, thursday, and friday. 

i'm seeing lots of guys.

>>is that really how xyz happened?

everything on the hydranchula is the real way it happened in real life, as seen by my eyes, heard by my ears, said my my mouth, and typed by my hands.

any more questions? please shoot them over to

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